Basel Convention Meetings / Final Decision on Annex VII
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Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal

Fourth Meeting
Kuching, 23-27 February 1998 



UNEP/CHW.4/CRP.13 (revised)
27 Febrary 1998


DECISION (Adopted 17.15 hrs. 27-2-98) REGARDING ANNEX VII (number yet to be determined)

The Conference,

Affirming the objectives set out in decision III/1,

Noting that the amendment contained in decision III/1 has not yet come into force, and therefore also noting (decision _____) of this Conference, which urges Parties to ratify this Amendment as a matter of priority,

Further noting the deep concern of Arab and other countries of making any changes to Annex VII,

Reaffirming the importance of the broad ratification and entry into force of the amendment contained in decision III/1 and recognizing the difficulties of modifying Annex VII prior to the entry into force of that amendment;

Further noting the proposals formulated by Parties for inclusion into Annex VII,

1. Decides to leave Annex VII unchanged until the amendment contained in III/1 enters into force;

2. Further decides to explore issues relating to Annex VII and requests the Technical Working Group in cooperation with the Sub-group of Legal and Technical Experts to provide Parties with a detailed and documented analysis, that would highlight issues related to Annex VII;

3. Requests those two Groups to report to the fifth meeting of the Conference of Parties;

4. Confirms that the work to be undertaken is without prejudice to any future decisions concerning Annex VII.

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