The toxic trade bonanza
by Deborah Cameron, Brisbane Times (Australia)
16 April 2007 –
A huge stockpile of highly toxic waste at Botany so dangerous that it can only be handled by robots has caused a furore in Germany, where one of Australia's top companies wants to incinerate the contaminated material.
The controversial plan to export the waste - 15,600 tonnes of an industrial chemical and pesticide called hexachlorobenzene (HCB), the largest stockpile of its type in the world - comes as Australia's role in the international hazardous waste trade grows dramatically.
Community groups in Germany are demanding the Australian Government stop the incineration plan, and have also asked German authorities to veto it. Australia was wrong "to transport its highly toxic waste across the globe and to impose this burden on our community", German protesters said in an email to the federal Minister for the Environment, Malcolm Turnbull, last month.
Orica, the $5.4 billion parent company of Dulux, Cabot's, Selleys, Yates and Thrive, and the world's biggest maker of explosives, owns the waste, and says it cannot be properly destroyed in Australia. It has set aside $49 million this year to destroy part of it, its annual report says.
Insurance against a harbour or ocean spill will cost "in the hundreds of thousands", Orica says, although others in the waste industry suggest that $20 million would be nearer the mark.
Mr Turnbull is yet to sign the export permit but his science advisers are said to be reconciled to it, and Orica is confident it will be approved. If the export goes ahead the nastiest problem in Australia's waste management history will be reduced to ash and vapour in faraway Germany.
The final price of decontamination - something that the company can only guess at - could be $70 million or $100 million or more. "No budget has been set," an Orica spokesman said.
The controversy has drawn in Labor's environment spokesman, Peter Garrett, whose electorate includes Botany, where hazardous waste contamination electrifies local politics.
Last August Mr Garrett said the export application by Orica was a "relief" for residents, although he also said that disposal on-site, the best international practice, was preferable. In a short statement, he sided with Orica.
Toxic waste disposal - a lucrative but dangerous arm of the waste and recycling industry - is booming, according to evidence from government and industry.
Australian exports of hazardous waste virtually doubled between 2003 and 2005 and imports rose fivefold. Most shipments were via Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. Carcinogenic residues, banned pesticides, toxic resins, heavy metals, poisonous mining dross and millions of old car batteries are only some of what is involved, the official permits say.
Last year the French Government shipped 1.2 tonnes of quarantined solid waste from its base in Antarctica to Tasmania, where what could not be recycled or incinerated was consigned for "deep burial" in the Hobart tip, a low-fee municipal dump that does not charge a state garbage levy.
The Tasman Sea has become a virtual waste superhighway, with millions of used car batteries regularly shipped between Australia and New Zealand, which have competing smelters. There are also regular large shipments of hospital waste.
Car batteries are sought by lead recyclers on a rocket-ride with the world metals price. Once all but valueless, they now sold for $US400 a tonne in South Korea and twice that in China, said David Foldi of Powerhouse Batteries, who said the high price had coaxed thousands of seeping batteries out of Australian farm sheds.
But there is a limit to salvaging. There was no hope of recycling the HCB stockpile, said Orica. Opponents say Orica is unprincipled and that the risks are grave. "It is unbelievable that Australian industry is not able to treat hazardous waste by high-tech facilities of their own," Joachim Jurgens, a retired German chemist, told the Herald.
The critics' worst fear is a catastrophic spill.
"If this HCB waste fell into the ocean I could not model the damage that would happen," said Jon Doumbos, the executive chairman of Dolomatrix, a Sydney company that operates hazardous waste decontamination plants in Queensland and Victoria.
Dolomatrix, whose business is worth $30 million a year, wants the lucrative contract to process the Orica contaminants in Australia. The company safely decontaminated a 20-kilogram sample last year, Mr Doumbos said.
But Orica disputes Mr Doumbos's claim and says his company has neither the capacity nor the technical skill. The test results had not been verified, Orica said.
"Orica is of the belief that there is no technology available in Australia that can treat this waste," the Orica spokesman said.
"The moral question is do we leave this for the next generation sitting in the middle of Sydney? We don't believe that there is a future panacea. The best available option is to take the waste to Germany."
An independent review commissioned by the NSW Government last year concluded that disposing of the waste was a task that "would likely exceed the scale of any hazardous waste project ever undertaken in Australia". The review favoured overseas shipment.
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