space Basel Action News, Vol 1, #1

Austria and Germany Support Slovenia Bid to Jump to Annex VII

Two EU countries, Germany and Austria, whose industries produce vast quantities of hazardous waste and possess some of the most expensive waste disposal costs in the world, have supported a Slovenian proposal that would allow their industry's waste to flow to Slovenia. In a Slovenian Environment Ministry release to the press, Slovenia confirmed that Germany, Austria and Hungary have supported them in their bid to join Annex VII. This means that Germany and Austrian industries would be able to freely export their hazardous wastes to Slovenia.

Trade in hazardous wastes from Germany, Austria, to Slovenia would work in contravention of the Basel Convention's obligations to become self-sufficient in waste management and to minimize hazardous waste generation. Moreover, with respect to Austria and Germany, both member states of the European Union, this position is in conflict with the basis for the EU law which bans all exports of hazardous wastes to non-OECD countries. It is hoped that Austria and Germany would withdraw support for this very dangerous precedent and remain consistent with the basis for their own law.

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